

未到萬聖節,甘怡已經好似過緊萬聖節, 點解? 因為佢成日都話:"驚驚", 又驚爸爸, 又驚返學, 媽媽行開佢又話驚驚, 我諗上篇BLOG話佢適應到返學係寫錯啦.

第二句最常講的說話就係"痛痛", 因為佢被蚊咬後的傷口, 好耐都唔好返, 佢成日攪個傷口, 結果埋唔到口, 咁咪痛囉, 但有時我覺得佢係想媽媽注意自己, 因為有時唔提佢貼"布布(膠布)", 佢一直係無嘢, 一話要貼布布, 佢就即刻變臉到好慘咁, 係咁叫"布布", 唔貼的話會越喊越大聲。

我覺得阿女唔識/唔享受同其他小朋友或老師相處, 所以唔想返學,可能都同佢太痴媽媽有關, 可能要長D 時間先適應到..

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Make sure whether it is a problem of adjustment or whether the majority of kids are being bullied by a few who beat or bite.Ask the teachers if they know what is going on and what they are going to do.See if they would evade the question.

匿名 說...

In some nurseries(may be in some well-developed countries),it seems parents can observe their kids through the glass or by other means unnoticed by the kids.This will help parents know more about their kids' real situation.Then they can decide whether they have made a right choice of nursery or the right time of sending their kids to a nursery.Is this possible in KY's nursery?