

回想起呀女初生時, 高峰期1日食12餐, 現在減到5餐, 才2個多月, 真是厲害. 每次減餐的改變都看見呀女有些不習慣, 但我成日叫佢相信媽媽及忍耐, 佢又好似明白咁, 話轉就轉, 而每餐又肯飲多一些, 真是很乖.
甘怡也越來越進步, 既可以睡過夜, 就算醒左, 也不大叫, 自己在床上玩, 到差不多夠鍾才大叫我. 而呀女又開始喜歡同我多對話, 要我陪, 又多了很多笑容及反應, 不停在成長中, 其他媽媽都話第一年的轉變是最快, 很易錯過, 要珍惜每一刻. 整體來說我覺得較初生時易湊很多了, 我都算幸運了. 而老公成日病才令我多擔心, 又怕佢傳染個女, 又怕佢身子差, 我老公好似越來越難照顧.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

I feel deep down Fung's heart, there are things that he is not used to after getting married and being a father; there are things that he is worried about when he looks into the future.What are these? If you ask me, I don't exactly know . If you ask him, he may not be able to answer you right away.On the blog we always see a cheeful and sensible Fung,but at times he is seen frowning, deep in his thoughts. Last year, he began to suffer from stomachache - an early sign of anxiety and depression.As his mother, I guess (I may not be right)he tries hard to fulfil
what is expected of him of being a good son, a good husband, a good father and of course a good employee.However no matter how hard he tries he finds or imagines he is not a good-enough son in the eyes of his parents and not a good- enough husband in the eyes of his wife and....On many occasions on the blog he expresses a strong wish to become a better person than what he is now.
Nicole,it's you who can cheer him up and help him clear up his thoughts.YOU CAN !

Fung's mother

甘仔 說...

Being a husband and father is of course different being a son. The role change in life made me grow up quickly. As Kam Yee grow up, the situation is more stable. I feel happy for the progress. The pressure is reduced. This pressure is within my expectation.

I am not aiming to be a perfect husband and father, I think I am a good-enough husband and father.

Nicole is also under pressure as a new mother. She is now more cheerful as Kam Yee and her has developed a strong bounding. I am looking forward to the 百日宴 to tell Kam's family the good work Nicole has done to build a happy family.

匿名 說...

Your dad and I look forward to seeing you three appear in the "Hundred-Day" feast cheerfully.
Our worries are a bit released on seeing your response and hope that Nicole feels the same way as you.
Nicole, you've done a good job.The toughest time is over.Keep on "Ka Yau !".

*Fung's mother

Unknown 說...

nicole and fung, it's regretful that i couldn't attend your wedding and visited you when kam yee arrived. however, i've been 'catching up' reading your blog and can see the progress developed. really happy for you. 'add oil'!!!