

唔知甘怡在單親環境下生活會如何呢? 如果跟了爸爸, 她一定很可憐, 沒有人錫, 為她抱不平, 爸爸不是一個可以保護女兒的好爸爸. 如果跟了媽媽, 她一定捱苦, 媽媽是容易放棄的人, 唔知能不能養大她. 今日, 無聊問甘怡, 媽媽做XX的媽媽好不好? 她說不好, 面上帶點驚. 我又說跟爸爸一起住好不好, 她說好, 然後我又說但爸爸打女, 甘怡又大哭. 唔知甘怡明幾多, 不明幾多, 哭完便睡了. 甘怡, 你永遠都會和媽媽一起, 不用怕, 窮又一起, 生又一起, 死也一起.

10 則留言:

甘仔 說...

睇返個BLOG就知我哋屋企係幾咁開心, 又點會單親呢?

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

In thinking so pessimistically, you are really "killing" your own child.Find out the sources of your depression and tackle them. If you have hard feelings towards anybody,say,your prents-in-law, do sit down and talk to them to resolve differences.Your world of being a full-time mother is meaningful but at times trivial and boring, think of ways to widen your circle and at times when you are really very depressed, it is advisable to consult a family therapist.You are always smart and your friends and relatives are confident you can rid yourself of those negative feelings .

匿名 說...

Don't just talk to friends who agree to your views in every aspect. To strike a balance, also talk to people who really love you but may say something you don't want to listen to.This is called "anti-mode thinking".
A happy Nicole = a beautiful mother .An unhappy Nicole = a terrible mother.

匿名 說...

你與孩子說這些負面的話,你祈望得到孩子那些反應呢? 你看到的了,你讓孩子恐懼了,你會有些後悔吧.
我在你們的"部落"所看到的,你們所傳遞出的訉息,是一個快樂的家庭啊 !努力!!!!

匿名 說...

I am a mother myself. And I strongly urge you not to let your negative feelings overcrowding your loving child. You would certainly want your baby to grow up in a positive, encouraging and happy environment. Don't you? Its not about faking happiness, but at least don't over do the negatives. You would be surprised how much a child can understand, either via actual vocab or even just your emotions could have adverse effect on her personality too. Remember, children are a piece of white paper. they will turn into what has been given by their most loved parents.

匿名 說...

"死也一起" really scares me out
my comment is in the world of children very much of how they think and feel is dependent on their parents.

If they sense that their parents themselves are not even optimistic about his/her other parent and the family as a whole, how can he/she be confident that he/she is living in a supportive family?

To me family is where we can find true shelter, unconditional love and support. Whatever happens, it is your family that loves you and cares about you and accept whatever you did and who ever you are.

It is also because family is such an amazing place and that it is so important, I could not bear the thought of losing my family, no matter what hardship we are facing. If you have a family that does not give you up, how could one even bear the thought of losing them?

True, in our times we see many single-parent families in society. But instead of telling our children that we will not give up on them and continue love them, why shouldn't we tell them that will never give up on the family and will always love the family as a whole?

匿名 說...

I would like to hear what Nicole feels after reading all these comments.

甘仔 說...

I think it is good for kids to feel the world as a happy place, think positive and optimistic.

A pessimistic person will get unhappy easily. I won't let KY become such a girl.

匿名 說...

I just read this... I do not normally post comments here. But I find this post very disturbing. What are you trying to teach your child when you tell her these things? Are you trying to get her to hate her dad, and be totally reliant on her mom? I agree with other comments here. Your child is a piece of white paper and also a mirror of the parents. If you want her to be happy, you really should create a loving, secure and happy environment. These negative energy is only going to do her harm. Do you really want this for your child?