

甘怡星期一至五都媽媽湊, Nicole話佢日頭無咁痴身, 可以自己一個人係廳玩, 但晚上我返到屋企佢就會好痴身, 又唔畀阿媽食飯, 而爸爸呢? 超過一半時間是不會理啋的, 讀書讀唔夠幾頁佢就會叫"媽媽媽媽", 無錯係叫四聲, 佢肯玩LEGO的話佢就會坐定D, 但係我同佢又無乜好交流, 佢有佢亂砌, 我有我砌.

我一同甘怡講嘢, 佢就擰歪面, 走咗去, 扮聽唔到, 又或者用手遮眼無眼睇, 畀指示佢 (例如:擦牙), 佢就會喊, 然後當然又係去搵"媽媽媽媽".

上PLAYGROUP又痴住阿媽, 去遊樂場玩玩吓又會叫"媽媽媽媽", 阿女, 你見少陣阿媽真係咁困難? 到底你睇唔睇到我架? :)

10 則留言:

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匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Has KY had any terrible experience of seeing her parents bickering furiously or yelling hysterically at each other before her ? In my experience, she probably has.Her behaviour shows she feels more secure with the mother alone because the atmosphere is cosy and peaceful in the day.Once the father is back, the house becomes "noisy". She may hear her parents quarrel or complain about each other.She doesn't understand what's going on but she feels threatened.A very sensitive and intelligent girl.If the parents show more intimacy and affection before her, the situation would be different.It's worth the effort.

匿名 說...

After reading Nicole's writing on "Single Parent", I begin to think of a few things . I would like to share them with KF, Nicole and their close friends and relatives who are concerned about them and their child.
1. On what grounds does Nicole think the father cannot protect KY? Protect her from what ? The source of threats ? Too vague. If the threat is so big, can Nicole then protect poor KY ?How ?

2. It is clear , from the writing, Nicole is struggling mentally. Is she afraid that KF would desert her or is she struggling to desert KF?
If I were KF, I would feel deeply wounded if I never had such an intention but at the same time very worried about my wife and my child's well-being .

匿名 說...

我認為大家不用這樣緊張,這是平常得很的事情,因為Nicole 與 KF 都是第一次教養孩子,沒有任何經驗,現在未能處理好,是很正常的,不用扯上其它的問題.我們,有孩子的,以前不是也有過這樣那樣的問題嗎? 我認為,只要雙方能坦誠地,互相能設身處地考慮問題,以孩子的福祉為依歸,我相信孩子的成長問題是不難解決的,Nicole,KF 是嗎 ?

甘仔 說...

多謝各位意見, 對的是做父母是終生學習的事情, 我寫出來都係宣洩一下不開心的心情.


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

真想知道 Nicole 與 KF 有否討論這"問題" 或認為這些"関心"你們的人是"皇帝唔急太監急".

甘仔 說...

當然有討論, 我們都不斷鼓勵甘怡, 亦有製造多D 機會畀我同甘怡獨處.