

近日, 我終於發燒了, 101度, 個個都叫我唔好咁辛苦. 我真的很無耐, 由其上了年紀的人, 叫我請工人, 強調坐月很重要. 我好想講, 我都知, 現在我已經請了中點工人, 幫我做家務, 但我真沒有辦法. 最後, 我終於發現原因, 上了年紀的人是忘記了什麼叫做餵人奶, 這令我非常意外. 餵人奶一日是10-12餐, 每次15-30分鐘, 還有So 風, 換片, 最少都45分鍾, 每日不停重複, 最少2個月. 心水清的人, 都知一日我可以睡多久, 餵人奶是沒有人可以幫到我. 我不是沒有pump奶, 半夜已加一餐奶粉, 都已經身心疲累. 我連睡都不能睡得好, 食又如何有胃好, 我最需要的是休息, 我覺得我現在的體質比懷孕更差, 希望多些人明白什麼是餵人奶, 不要再不停叫我請工人.最後, 我好想講病了, 我都是仍然要餵人奶(醫生建議, 否則容易斷奶), 請耐心想想.

6 則留言:

甘仔 說...

我見到你這麽辛苦為女兒我也肉痛,別人都不會完全明白我倆的情況,他們聽到你說辛苦自然就會叫你爭取休息,食多D補身的食物,鐘點工人就可以幫到你烹一些補身的食物,目的是減少你病(不論現在或將來)的機會,講的也是一般情況,正路選擇。不過,最終你吃什麽,可以和工人多溝通,又或者去看中醫看看你現在的身體適合吃什麽,別人的意見一聽無"仿",但最適合你的食物可能真的需要中醫給一點指引, 你考慮一下吧。

匿名 說...

...唔知妳地有無用電動泵奶器? 可以試試...睇下可唔可以泵多d奶備用,咁你就可以瞓多d...留比鐘點幫妳湊bb...得唔得??? 多多保重呀

甘仔 說...


遲D 可能都會再用嘅...

匿名 說...



匿名 說...

You've played down the virtue of a good domestic helper.Nobody can replace your job of breastfeeding. However,apart from breastfeeding, there is still much household chores to be done.Imagine what your life and Fung's life would be without someone to help.Perhaps both of you would be taken ill, and so would your elderly relatives who offer to help.It seems you are a bit resentful towards their 'advice'.We do understand You are undergoing a difficult time and we appreciate all you've done for the baby , showing a mother's will to sacrifice.We hope the tough time will soon be over , and we look forward to seeing a healthy and lovely baby girl grow under your care. Fung's mom

匿名 說...

A positive mindset would make you feel happier.Learn to say"thank you" to others who have genuinely loved you and done or intended to do something for you.This is hard Of course at times when their advice does not seem to make much sense to you.
Elderly people are sensitive. Treasure the good relationship you have built up with them in these years.In-law relationship is especially fragile. There is an old saying :Rome is not built in one day,and this is also true of in-law realtionship.
Think if they have ever been misguided ? Do you still remember this scenario? There was a night after you got pregnant for three or four months. You woke up in the middle of the night, crying in the sitting room,feeling worried that there would be no-one to take care of you after delivery, the reason being that your aunt,the only person you trust, would not be in Hong Kong and that your mother-in-law is not "knowledgeable".So, if you were in their position,what would they do? This may be a reason why they persist in asking you to get a domestice helper to do housework 4 to5 hours (at least)every day, and offer to pay the necessary expenses.They may not be the best parents-in-law, but at least they are good-intentioned. Don't you think so?
They wish you a quick recovery from your physical and mental stress.If you cannot undertand them, then learn to forgive them. They do not have the slightest intention to provoke you.....